Thursday, July 5, 2012

The News About The Whitney Houston

Osama Bin Laden wanted to marry her and was willing to drop his “color rule” for her. Rush Limbaugh had a thing for her (he said so on his radio show). And, today, Whitney Houston tragically died at the young age of 48 in Beverly Hills. And even just before her death, she still had the beauty of youth (as a teen, she modeled for Seventeen Magazine) and probably the voice, too. Houston originally came from a church background, singing gospel, and I will never forget how she chose to visit Israel with Bobby Brown, despite calls from many for her to boycott the Jewish State. She originally went there with the controversial “Black Hebrews” cult, but went with her then-husband and daughter to the Jordan River, where they were baptized (video at the end of this post). She and Brown also met with then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, again bucking the calls of the Israel-haters (but she refused to shake his hand – huh?).
Although we don’t yet know why Houston died so young and so suddenly, a life filled with drug addiction can’t be ruled out, even if she died of other causes. A life of constant illegal drug use, including cocaine and crack, catches up with you in the end. Such a tremendous, beautiful voice, such a tremendous talent, such beauty–all of it thrown away to smoke crack with Bobby Brown and have a kid with him. The victim here is their daughter, Bobbi Kristina, who–as I’ve decried on this site–was forced to be part of their disgusting-beyond-relief reality show . . . and then their real-life reality, none of it good.
One of my guilty pleasures: I was a huge Whitney fan, back in the day before she essentially became Bobby Brown’s crack whore, and many of her top hits have always been and are still part of my workout music on my Zune and iPod. Wish I could’ve seen her in concert in her prime. My favorites were “Love Will Save the Day,” “Queen of the Night,” “I’m Your Baby, Tonight,” and “My Name is Not Susan,” because people would often confuse me for my sister, Susan. My late father even liked her singing voice. Nobody can deny that powerful voice–with such range and such strength to stay in such high octaves for such long notes–was one of the greats in contemporary music. My all-time favorite Whitney Houston rendition was her Star-Spangled Banner/National Anthem delivery at the Super Bowl (during the Persian Gulf War in 1991), a version I’ve posted on this site, before, and which I post, again, below. It’s–in my opinion–the best Super Bowl national anthem rendition ever.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tom Cruise Who Is Actually A Real Family Man

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise as Van Helsing? Sure? Judging from the "Rock of Ages" trailer, he's certainly got the hair (or at least a good wig guy).
Per a press release from Universal announcing a new deal with hot screenwriting duo Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, Cruise is attached to play the famed vampire hunter in a new film from the decade-old studio.
“Alex and Roberto are extraordinarily talented writers and producers who know the value of a great story in building successful tentpole films,” Universal chairman Adam Fogelson and co-chairwoman Donna Langley said in a statement. “They have been a major part of some of Hollywood’s biggest movies and television shows in recent history, and we’re eager to have them build on that success at Universal.”
Tom Cruise is easily one of the top five most recognizable and sought after actors in the world. If you don't know him from his numerous blockbusters than you probably know him from his crazy shenanigans such as jumping on the couch while on the Oprah Winfrey show or his views of religion and strict allegiance to scientology. Tom Cruise is no doubt a strange fellow, but the brilliant performers always are. However, the Tom Cruise story starts in an unexpected manner, especially considering the icon he has become. Tom Cruise was born into an extremely religious family and grew up with his eyes on one goal and one goal only. No it wasn't acting, performance art or performance of any kind. Growing up, Tom Cruise dreamt of becoming a priest and devoting his life to God. However, while in high school, he abandoned those dreams, dropped out and moved to New York to pursue acting. What came next was what a whirlwind that ended with Tom Cruise being one of the highest paid actors not just in Hollywood but the entire world. He has commanded a salary of 15 million dollars or more for recent films such as "Mission Impossible" and "War of the Worlds"; quite an amazing ending for a story that started with such humble beginnings. However, along with the triumphs, there are always failures and for Tom Cruise those failures come in the form of cinematic duds. The two best examples of Tom Cruise's cinematic duds are the bigbudget films "Valkyrie" and "Collateral".
The Hollywood caste system began to crack in the 1950's, when Kirk Douglas, the father of Michael Douglas went independent, and formed one of the first independent film companies called Bryna, for his mother. They produced the "Vikings", "Spartacus", and "Seven Days in May". The so called Studio system was now dead. Power shifted to the individual actors, who became BRAND NAMES in their own right.
Two developments began in the 1960's. The Hollywood studios would be taken over by corporations, and then reacquired by giant multinational corporations seeking world-wide influence. The second development was that the stars began to exercise their power. Giant multinationals like Sony, Newscorp, and Viacom hated the fact that stars had so much power. In the last ten years, A-List actors like Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, and Robert Redford started to receive profit participations, which the studios only gave begrudgingly.
At first it didn't matter because Hollywood accounting is such that somehow the studios could always show a loss on the movie. The stars got wise to that very quickly, and started taking front end participations, a percentage of the ticket when movie goers bought their tickets. In my 35 years on Wall Street, I participated in financing many movies, and I have to tell you that nobody ever made money on the backend. No matter how big the movie, somehow the movie always lost money when it came to the backend participations.
Set for a June 5 street date, the official soundtrack for the upcoming movie will include 20 songs featuring film stars Tom Cruise, Julianne Hough, Alec Baldwin, Diego Boneta, Russell Brand and Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Music by Def Leppard, Poison, Journey, Twisted Sister, Bon Jovi, Joan Jett, Foreigner, Night Ranger, REO Speedwagon, Pat Benatar and Whitesnake are among those covered by the cast.
“Taking classic, beloved rock anthems and seeing them through the unique perspective of the characters in the film was such an exciting prospect for me in directing Rock of Ages,” said Rock of Ages director Adam Shankman. “We had a phenomenal cast who performed these songs in such a powerful way — adding depth and meaningful imagery to the film. I was lucky to have a partner in Adam Anders who, better than anyone working today, understands how to take popular songs and seamlessly repurpose them to tell a story with unparalleled originality and success.”
Asked what surprised him the most about Tom, Simon replied: "That he's quite normal, you know, he's a real family man. When Katie and Suri visited the set, they're just like a normal little family and you see them doing normal things. I don't know what I expected them to do. Suri's a very sweet unprecocious little girl, she just does what kids do, she's not walking around in high heels and shouting at people, as some people would have us believe."
Simon also said the odd ball reputation Tom has is unjustified and was very impressed with how seriously he takes his job.
Speaking on Daybreak, Simon said: "I think the people that have the strongest opinions about him [Tom Cruise] are the people that haven't met him. The fact is he's a guy, he's a human being and that's it. I mean he's incredibly concentrated and he's amazing to work with because he's so collaborative and it means a lot to him that the films are good. That's why he hung off the tallest building, because he wanted people to see that it was him."

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

To Tell You About Avril Lavigne My Favorite Singer

Serious and emotionally reserved, Avril Lavigne was probably never an exuberant, playful child, and she rarely expresses herself in a spontaneous, childlike manner. She is cautious about letting others get close to her and sometimes withdraws from people altogether. At times, even when Avril Lavigne is with people, she feels lonely or isolated. Learning to appreciate her own company and to find satisfying solitary activities is essential to Avril's emotional well-being.
The position Avril plays in hockey is right wing and center. She has said in the past that she played hockey better than some guys when she was back in high school.
Avril started playing guitar when she was about 10 years old.
The best time to catch Avril Lavigne singing her song Losing Grip is when she's angry. "I really like performing it when I'm mad," says Avril. "And I'm always mad at boys."

Avril broke a record set by Madonna. Her song Complicated held the number one spot on the Contemporary Hit Radio chart (which tracks air play on the radio) for 11 weeks in a row. Madonna previously held the record with her song Music, which held onto number one for 10 weeks.
Avril appeared topless on the front cover of the Blender magazine June 2007 edition, but she was not happy with it because she wanted it darker.
Avril released her song Girlfriend with choruses in different languages, including Italian, Spanish, French, and Japanese.
Avril Lavigne has a rich, colorful, dreamy imagination and a sense of beauty. Involvement in the arts, or with artistic, sensitive, or spiritually inclined people is very satisfying to her. In her friendships and romantic relationships, Lavigne tends to be unselfish, giving, and forgiving. Avril Lavigne might enjoy joining with others for charitable events or social service
She has deep, compelling love feelings that seem irresistible and often irrational. Her love relationships are very passionate and intense, and Lavigne experiences both agony and ecstasy in love. Avril Lavigne is always changed in a deep, fundamental way by her love experiences, though this may come about through painful and difficult confrontations or separations. She is something of an emotional fanatic about things she cares about.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fran Kranz, One Of The Stars Of "The Cabin In The Woods"

There are horror movie cliches — "honored conventions," if you like — that every horror fan knows and embraces.

"All hell is breaking loose, people are dying and for some reason, a girl has to take her shirt off," says Fran Kranz, one of the stars of "The Cabin in the Woods." "Love that. One of my all-time favorite cliches."

"My favorite is how people want to split up," says Kristen Connolly, Kranz's "Cabin" co-star. "Why? Are you kidding me? All these terrible things are happening, and somebody says, 'OK, let's split up.' It happens in every single movie. You yell at the screen, 'No, nooo.' But it doesn't help. They don't hear you."

Make that "We don't hear you." Connolly and Kranz are the very people you'll be yelling at in "The Cabin in the Woods," opening Friday (the 13th). It's a horror comedy that toys with those conventions. Writer Joss Whedon (TV's "Dollhouse" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") and director Drew Goddard (he wrote "Cloverfield") wanted to send up horror movies and "change the direction" of horror, away from the "torture porn" so popular in recent years, Whedon has said.

So they rounded up five college kids — a collection of stock horror movie "types" — and packed them off to a cousin's cabin. In the woods. And once they're on their way, we see just who is engineering their trip and making sure the characters make exactly the mistakes we expect them to.

Kranz plays Marty, "the stoner." And with his mop top and sometimes cracking voice, you can be forgiven for having childhood TV cartoon flashbacks.

"I didn't think about Marty as a new Shaggy. Not when I got the part, not when we were shooting it. But now? How could I miss it? It hit me, and I was like, 'Why, why, why didn't I pay more attention to Shaggy when I was a kid, watching 'Scooby-Doo?'"

That makes Connolly — as Dana, the innocent "smart" girl — a new Velma? Maybe.

"There's always some smart girl who weighs 90 pounds who says, 'I will go down into that dark cellar by myself. Me and me alone!'" Connolly says. "Girl, don't do it. Bad decision-making is the rule in these movies. But Dana (her character) doesn't make many."

There's also a jock, a hot blonde and, for good measure, a hunky, sensitive guy.

"I based Marty on the stoners I've known in my life — especially an ex-girlfriend," Kranz says, laughing. "A lot of inspiration from her. And on James Franco in 'Pineapple Express,' Brad Pitt in 'True Romance.' And remember Corey Feldman in 'The 'Burbs?' He's got all these conspiracy theories," and Marty is the guy who starts wondering, in his pot paranoia, just who is pulling the strings in this cabin."

The earliest notices for "Cabin" have been breathless raves, like Variety's — "Not since 'Scream' has a horror movie subverted the expectations that accompany the genre to such wicked effect."

But the movie's been sitting on a shelf, largely due to its original studio's financial difficulties. Cast and crew have had three years to wonder when this thing would come out.

"It's very frustrating," Connolly says. One of the stars, Chris Hemsworth, broke through as "Thor" in the years "The Cabin in the Woods" sat in limbo. The rest are waiting for their big break to break big.

"You want your family to see this thing you put so much blood, sweat and tears into," Connolly says. "I mean literal blood. Sweat. And tears."

Kranz is just as frustrated, but he's tried to keep it all in perspective. "'Cabin in the Woods' could be the last movie I make and I'd be happy. I'm that proud of it."

Not that it will be his final film. Kranz has a major role in Whedon's version of "Much Ado About Nothing." And Connolly is a lead in Barry Levinson's new viral outbreak thriller "The Bay," due out this summer.

And now that "Cabin in the Woods" finally is reaching theaters, the phone might be ringing even more.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Will Kate Winslet's Comments Upset Celine Dion?

Kate Winslet feels "like throwing up" when she hears 'My Heart will Go On'.The love theme from Kate's most successful film, 'Titanic' - sung by Celine Dion - was a huge hit around the world, but the actress admits she has to hide her real feelings every time she hears it.She told MTV News: "I feel like throwing up when I hear it. No, I shouldn't say that. No, actually, I do feel like throwing up."

"I wish I could say, 'Oh listen, everybody! It's the Celine Dion song!' But I don't. I just have to sit there, you know, kind of straight-faced with a massive internal eye roll."Kate's comments are sure to upset Celine, who has previously said she is very close to the song.She said: "My Heart Will Go On is for me a classic. And to be part of a classic is something I feel very proud of."

'Titanic' has just been re-released in 3-D, and Kate appeared at the film's premiere at London's Royal Albert Hall earlier this week, but admits she would not be staying to see the film's intimate scene between her and Leonardo DiCaprio's character.Asked how she would feel seeing herself nude on the big screen, she responded: "Terrible, wouldn't you? I'm not going to look, I'll be in the bar by that point."

"No, I shouldn't say that," Winslet added, thinking through her response before coming to this conclusion: "No, actually, I do feel like throwing up."

Since its release in 1997, the film has stuck with Winslet wherever she goes. It was the movie that helped her sky-rocket to the A-list, after all, and no one is likely to forget Dion's iconic song from "Titanic," set to be re-released in 3-D on April 4. Kate Winslet considers her role in “Titanic” a bit of a shipwreck.

As the 1997 Oscar-winning Best Picture embarks on a 3D voyage to theaters, Winslet remains critical of her performance in the epic romance that set sail her career in Hollywood.

“My American accent could’ve been much better. My acting could’ve been a lot better,” she said to MTV News.

"I wish I could say, 'Oh listen, everybody! It's the Celine Dion song!' But I don't," Winslet admitted. "I just have to sit there, you know, kind of straight-faced with a massive internal eye roll."

Winslet went on to explain that every time she walks into a bar or a restaurant with a pianist, they never miss an opportunity to start playing the notes. "It's thrilling for people to surprise me with the Celine Dion song," she laughed.

But they not only play the tune for her, they also encourage the Oscar winner to sing it herself. "I did a talk show recently in Italy and they actually had a live pianist who started gently playing the theme song. I was not even gently, rather severely, urged to go and sing it as though I had in fact sung it myself in the first place. It was like, 'No! I'm not going to do that.' They're like, 'Oh no, come on it will be funny.' No, it won't be funny. At all. And I'm not going to."

Unfortunately for the actress, it's not just the theme song that haunts her. Whenever she boards a boat, she's the butt of jokes.

"Honestly, I actually now get onto boats and say, 'No jokes, OK? No jokes. Can we just move on from that? And if you have any jokes, let's just get them out of the way right now. Thank you. Anyone? Jokes, jokes? OK, moving on.' And then they still tell jokes," Winslet said. The most common joke is asking her to head to the front of the boat with them to reenact the iconic scene between hers and Leonardo DiCaprio's characters on the rail. To that she replies, "Oh, yeah! Oh, that one! Oh, don't worry, it's my party piece. Sure, come on up, bring your granny."

But Winslet is actually an amazing sport about the jokes. She understands how deeply the film touched its audience. And now that it will be on the big screen again, it can reach a whole new generation — including her children who will see it for the very first time.

"What's negative about it? Really, nothing at all," she said of the 3-D treatment. "It's very different and much more present. It's bigger — if you can believe that — but it is and you really do feel like you're in it."

Audiences will be able to relive the tragic love story — or experience for the first time — when "Titanic" it hits theaters in 3-D on April 4.

Nevertheless, Winslet, who co-starred with Leonardo DiCaprio, was nominated for an Oscar for her performance as Rose.And the film grossed more than $600 million, making it America’s second highest-grossing box-office hit.

The 36-year-old actress has received countless award nominations since her 15-year voyage through Hollywood after the epic romance’s debut on the big screen. She was the youngest person to earn six Academy Award nominations and she won the Academy Award for Best Actress for the 2008 film “The Reader.”

Now the story of a ship’s tragic disaster and the famous on-board love story will return to the big screen on April 4. The debut coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Titanic’s maiden trip from England in April 1912.“It looks very different. I mean, it’s still as wonderful and as epic as it always was. But it does feel bigger, you know, bigger somehow even than it did then, so it’s very exciting,” she said.The actress, who was 21 during filming, claims she is content with the way she looks now.

“I think I look nicer now,” she said. “I prefer myself as a 36-year-old. It's really weird ’cause when you’re 21, you think, ‘Oh God, when I’m 36, oh God, that’s nearly 40 and I'll look really old and wrinkly by then.’ And actually I quite like the way I look. I feel okay about myself these days.”

Monday, March 26, 2012

Julia Roberts Drew Inspiration From People She Knew For Wicked Role

Julia Roberts enters the Casa del Mar hotel ballroom in Los Angeles with the confidence that comes from enjoying a solid movie career.

On this particular day, the Pretty Woman star has made herself available to discuss her role as the sinister queen in Mirror Mirror, the re-imagining of the classic Snow White fantasy, directed by Tarsem Singh, which opens March 30.

As the feisty Roberts sits in front of the assembly of reporters, you can almost hear a bell ring to start the promotional event.

After a few glancing jabs, it doesn't take long for the 44-yearold to land the first blow.

Asked by a cautious journalist if she has ever done anything evil in her life, Roberts sees her opening and strikes.

"Lie to the press," she says coyly. "But it was only one time."

As usual, Roberts likes to mix it up with members of the media, whether they deserve it or not.

It's also true that the Oscar-winning actress plays a convincing not-so-pretty woman opposite Lily Collins' Snow White and Armie Hammer's handsome prince.

And while the basics of the classic fairy tale are there, Mirror Mirror is a mostly re-imagined take on the cautionary yarn about the dysfunctional pursuit of perfection, which dates back hundreds of years, before the whimsical Disney cartoon became the defining reference.

To that end, the movie contains some revisions.

The seven dwarfs have been renamed, and their personalities adjusted to suit the kind of fellows who would rob, not whistle, while they work. Post-modern dialogue is sprinkled throughout, as well.

"The line between homage and lawsuit is very thin," notes Singh, who directed last year's gods-andmonsters epic, Immortals.

In keeping with the classic theme, however, Roberts' queen is a self-involved, vindictive ruler who celebrates her vanity with her mirror until Snow White inadvertently reminds the queen she is not the fairest in the land.

It's a plum part, but it took awhile for Roberts to warm to the fantasy, which is in sharp contrast to her recent reality-based parts in last year's Larry Crowne with Tom Hanks, in 2010's Eat Pray Love, and her co-starring role in the ensemble comedy, Valentine's Day.

Although 1990's Pretty Woman (which won her an Oscar nod and turned her into the highly paid movie star she is today) is described as a modern-day fairy tale, Mirror Mirror ranks as her first major attempt in the genre since she played Tinkerbell in 1991's Hook.

"The one-sentence pitch on the phone, 'Hey, they're doing a Snow White adaptation,' didn't grab my attention," admits Roberts. "Then Tarsem lured me in his luring way, and, after looking at the script, I realized there was really something there."

Typically, after agreeing to do the movie, Roberts worked out her schedule to suit her family. Her mini-entourage includes her husband, Daniel Moder, and their children: six-year-old fraternal twins, Hazel and Finn, and Henry, 4.

And then she got down to business during the shoot in Montreal last year.

Helping Roberts emote were the elaborate sets in sound stages. "They were stunning, and such an integral part of it," she said. So were the costumes, which she describes as "completely original, yet authentic."

What she didn't enjoy were the scenes in which she bullies Snow White. "I mean, it is acting," says Roberts. "But we almost tried to take better care of our relationship because of the nasty undertones."

Collins, daughter of pop star Phil Collins, said her "mentor" went beyond the call of duty.

"It was an absolute honour for (Roberts) to even touch my hair," says Collins. "To be in scenes with somebody you grow up admiring was really something. Her character was being so mean, but all I wanted to do was smile and giggle, because I was so happy."

Convincing, though, is the Roberts' onscreen wickedness. "It was fun to play this villain, because there aren't real rules of syntax or reality that apply to her," Robert said. "I could do anything, and just go off the rails in any direction at any time, and it would make sense to me."

When asked how she managed to dredge up such a convincing diabolical being, she replied: "Well, I'm happy to announce she is not inside me. But without naming names, I drew from a couple of people I know better than I wish I did, and found it very fun and helpful."

Roberts is then asked if her queen could defeat Charlize Theron's rendition of the cranky one, which will be featured in another upcoming Snow White redo, Snow White and the Huntsman. "I've never met her," says Roberts of Theron. "So I couldn't even begin to size her up for your entertainment."

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lady Gaga Dress Style

Lady Gaga Houndstooth dress very surprised with the dress is so stunning, this Hollywood star looks amazing in a dress Houndstooth which is a collection of Salvatore Ferragamo in 2011. Lady Gaga wearing too many accessories that matched her dress that she wears, accessories that are used ranging from pearl strand necklace that looks amazing multi-with her ​​dress designer. Lady Gaga wearing perfect makeup and dark lip color. Lady Gaga appearance Houndstooth dress is so perfect in every way from the nails trimmed, blond hair loose and wavy. 

Here is a photo of Lady Gaga Houndstooth dress by Salvatore Ferragamo.

Lady Gaga wore several very interesting outfits to the VMAs on Sunday night. While she went glam in two creations (one by Alexander McQueen and one by Giorgio Armani), she was more grisly in her meat dress, shoes, bag and hat, designed by Franc Fernandez and put together by her frequent stylist, Nicola Formichetti.

The look had the fashion world buzzing by Monday morning, spawning blog headlines such as, "Was it offensive or awesome?"
"Too bad she didn't wear it with a grill," Nylon digital director Faran Krentcil told MTV News in an e-mail about the gutsy design that echoes the bikini Gaga wore on the cover of Vogue Hommes Japan.

Kelly Cutrone was all about the look. "I don't get it what's the beef with Gaga — Gaga is the Queen of the Universe, and no one should say anything negative about her or they will be attacked by her millions of fans," the PR maven and star of "The City" told MTV News. "I am happy to see her looking so healthy and to see she put a little extra meat on!"

Meanwhile, TV personality and "Telephone" co-star Jai Rodriguez commented that Gaga is creating a professional challenge for him. "Well, I am currently playing a character where the script says, 'Take it a step further than Gaga would,' " he explained. "I'm no longer sure that's possible after last night's dinner frock."

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Versatile Man-Kim Ryeo-wook

 Kim Ryeo-wook (born June 21, 1987), best known mononymously as Ryeowook, is a Korean singer-songwriter and occasional actor. He is one of the four lead vocalists of the super boy band Super Junior, and is also a member of Super Junior-K.R.Y and Super Junior-M, two subgroups that are branched out from the main group. Along with four other members of Super Junior, he is one of the first Korean artists to appear on Chinese postage stamps.

Kim Ryeowook was discovered through the CMB Youth ChinChin Festival in 2004 and signed a contract with SM Entertainment soon afterwards after impressing judges with his singing talent. Trained in areas of singing, dancing, and acting, Ryeowook placed particular efforts into his vocal training and music composition as he was most concerned in those areas. He plays piano, and will play the accompaniment for other members solos every so often during concerts.

Ryeowook was the last to join Super Junior before Kyuhyun, only joining the group several weeks before their official debut in 2005. Having undergone only two months of training under SM Entertainment, Ryeowook's late addition was rumored to be a replacement of a previous SM trainee that was supposed to debut as a member of Super Junior 05, the first generation of Super Junior.

In late 2006, Ryeowook became a member of Super Junior's first subgroup, Super Junior-K.R.Y. The trio debuted on November 5, 2006 on KBS's Music Bank. In early 2008, Ryeowook was placed in another Super Junior subgroup, Super Junior-M. The subgroup specializes in singing Mandarin songs, including Mandarin versions of Super Junior's Korean songs, bringing the K-pop influence into the Chinese music industry. Super Junior-M is the first international music group in the Chinese music industry to have members of both Chinese and Korean descent.

Ryeowook made his acting debut in the film, Attack on the Pin-Up Boys, a high-school comedy/mystery film, in which he plays the eccentric vice president of the student council. Ryeowook's acting gained positive feedback from critics and he was nominated Best Supporting Actor and Best Comedic Performance at the Korean Movie Awards.

Kim Ryeowook is a singer, song writer, dancer, pianist and occasional actor from South Korea. He is the 12th member of famous boyband in Korea called Super Junior. He is known as a member that has unique voice. He also joined Super Junior's subgroup that consist on ballad song, Super Junior KRY and subgroup that consist in China music market, Super Junior-M.

TV Series :
2009 : Stage of Youth - Qing Chun Wu Tai

Movies :
2007 : Attack On The Pin-Up Boys

Variety Shows :
Come to Play with Super Junior
Intimate Note
Oh! My School ep. 6
Strong Heart ep. 92 & 93 with Super Junior

Commercial Films :
Sunkist with Super Junior & Girls' Generation
Kyochon Chicken 'Honey and Chili' with Super Junior
Pepsi with Super Junior M & Lee Jun Ki
Oppo Real with Super Junior M
IVY Club with Super Junior
IVY Club with Super Junior & Min Hyo Rin
Yamaha Fino 'Dressing' with Hangeng, Siwon, Donghae & Kyuhyun
Yamaha Fino 'Music' with Hangeng, Siwon, Donghae & Kyuhyun
Kyochon Chicken "Global" with Super Junior

Songs :
with Super Junior
with Super Junior-KRY
with Super Junior-M
Success with Yesung, Sungmin & Donghae - Ost. H.I.T
H.I.T with Yesung, Kangin, Sungmin, Donghae & Kyuhyun - Ost. H.I.T
Angel with Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae & Kyuhyun - Ost. HARU
Smile Again - Ost. Home Sweet Home
Biting My Lips with Sungmin & Kyuhyun - Ost. President
Just Like Now with Donghae - Ost. It's Okay Daddy's Girl
Falling in Love with a Friend with Beige
Wish with Kyuhyun, Changmin & Junsu (TVXQ)
If You Love Me - Ost. Spy Myung Wol
One Fine Spring Day (Solo in Super Junior's 4th Album)
S.E.O.U.L - Super Junior & Girls' Generation

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Main Vocalist Profile:Jang Woo Young 2PM

Jang Wooyoung, known mononymously as Wooyoung (Hangul: 우영), was born on April 30, 1989. He is a singer in 2PM, a 6-member boy band that is active in South Korea and managed by JYP Entertainment.

Wooyoung was born in Busan and has an older sister. He attended Seoul School for the Arts with a dance major.

He was selected to be a JYP trainee through MGoon's JYP auditions. He won first place in this audition against 5000 other candidates.

He once filled in as a dancer partner with Wonder Girls member Kim Yubin when T.O.P from Big Bang fainted the day before the special performance with the Wonder Girls during the 2007 MBC Music Awards.

On September 4, 2008, Wooyoung, along with 6 other members, debuted as 2PM with their first single "10점 만점에 10점" ("10 Points out of 10 Points") from their single album "Hottest Time of the Day."
Wooyoung, along with Taecyeon formally hosted SBS's music show Inkigayo, from July 26, 2009 till July 11, 2010.

On February 2, 2010, he was officially the sub-MC in Kim Seung Woo's talk show KBS Win Win alongside Girls' Generation’s Taeyeon, Kim Shin Young, and Choi Hwa Jung. He received high praise for his very natural MC-ing and exceptional wit. He was always curious about everything, so he constantly began his sentences with, "I’m curious about something…" thus, earning the nickname, 'Curious Wooyoung'. He left the show on August 3, 2010.
He first debuted as an actor in the 2011 KBS drama series Dream High playing as Jason, which premiered on January 3, 2011.

Wooyoung stands 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m) and weighs 65 kg (140 lb; 10.2 st). He speaks Korean,Japanese and understands a little of the English language. His hobbies include surfing the web and listening to music. There is exactly 3 things that he likes: music, soccer and interior (design). When asked why he didn't include dancing, he replied, "it is also included in music .. and soccer." His blood type is B. He enjoys dancing and singing. His well known nicknames are 'AngAng', 'Mandu Cheeks' and 'Ssanti Wooyoung'. He has a twitter account. Sumber : Wikipedia
2PM member, Jang Wooyoung has successfully copied Park Jin Young’s dance has caused a lot of attention.

2PM has shown their charismatic talents to After School in this week’s Idol World. Especially Jang Wooyoung in particular went up and performed Park Jin Young’s dance very well.

2PM member, Jang Wooyoung has successfully copied Park Jin Young’s dance & has caused a lot of attention.

2PM has shown their charismatic talents to After School in this week’s Idol World. Especially Jang Wooyoung in particular went up and performed Park Jin Young’s dance very well.

Wooyoung made everyone laugh by saying “If I’m going to perform a song that isn’t ours, isnt it better to just be our JYP president?”
This was After School’s first time to show off their talents on a variety show, and they ended with a sexy dance that shook the hearts of many of the 2PM members.

Performance boyband 2PM’s Wooyoung confessed that there is someone among the cast of ‘Infinity Girls’ who is close to his ideal type of woman.

2PM, who is currently promoting ‘I Hate You’ has recently recorded a July Special episode of MBC Every1 “Infinity Girls”.

During the session of coupling, Song Eunee asked a question to Wooyoung “Is there any member that you are interested among Infinity Girls?” and Wooyoung answered “There are two persons that are close to my ideal type of girl”.

The 6 casts of ‘Infinity Girls’ are Song Eunhee, Hwangbo, Shin Bongsun, Baek Boram, Kim Shinyoung and Jung Ga Eun. A speculation arose that Wooyoung’s ideal type are Baek Boram and Jung Ga Eun.

Jaebum also revealed that his idea type of girl is Scarlet Johansson and said “There is someone that have kinda similar personality to Scarlet Johansson among Infinity Girls” making the people there bursting into laugh.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Justin Bieber To Release The New Book

Justin Bieber is one of the world's most famous pop stars but is also decidedly more Jesusy than his day job might lead some to believe.

When the young Canadian-born singer burst onto the scene, he was discovered in part by singing Christian songs on YouTube. But that is just the beginning of Bieber's faith journey, spelled out in a new book on the young star.
Cathleen Falsani sarcastically self-proclaims she is the "pre-eminent Justin Bieber scholar in North America."

Falsani has penned "Belieber! Fame, Faith, and the Heart of Justin Bieber," a book exploring the faith life of the tween sensation.

An award-winning religion journalist and a nationally syndicated columnist on the God beat, Falsani came to writing about Bieber almost accidentally.

For those party poopers who say dozens of unauthorized biographies, a book, a 3D movie and seventeen billion "intimate" pictures should cover the entirety of one very special 17-year-old's life, Justin Bieber has three words for you: he's "just getting started."

For those who need that to be spelled out for them in gigantic print, the Biebs has just announced his second book with publisher Harper Collins will be titled Justin Bieber: Just Getting Started.

"I'm so excited to be working on another book with HarperCollins," the best-selling author tells Us Weekly. "Being able to share my story with my fans through these books is an absolute privilege. I can't wait to show them more about my life on tour and in the studio in this next book."

According to the Us, the book will let fans get "up close and personal" with the Swiss Chalet-loving singer through exclusive behind-the-scenes photos and quotes about his tour and recording sessions.

"With all of his musical and on-screen successes, and his millions of fans on Twitter and Facebook, Justin is dominating the world of pop culture," Susan Katz, President and Publisher of HarperCollins Children's Books, tells Us. "We are excited to be publishing the next chapter of his sensational career."

Due in September, Justin Bieber: Just Getting Started is the follow up to Bieber's 2010 book, First Step 2 Forever: My Story, which sold over 1 million copies worldwide.

Well, never say never. If you thought a 16-year-old publishing an autobiography was bad, now there’s a second one on the way for you to frown about. Once again, Justin Bieber is putting pen to paper and camera to face for his new book.

Justin Bieber is like sugar to the world — sweet, everywhere and never enough.
The 17-year-old is releasing a second book recounting his life since the publication of his first book in 2010, complete with trillions of photographs.
The book is titled Justin Bieber: Just Getting Started, and it's going to be published once again with HarperCollins.

"I'm so excited to be working on another book with HarperCollins," J.Biebs shared with Us Weekly. "Being able to share my story with my fans through these books is an absolute privilege. I can't wait to show them more about my life on tour and in the studio in this next book."

The book promises Bieber fans the chance to get up-close and personal with the star, and is scheduled to be released in September.

Who knew that a 17-year-old could live two books' worth of life? At this rate, by the time Justin Bieber hits fifty, he would have published around 20 books… about himself.

This book, no doubt, is already predestined to be become a best-seller. Behold — the future of literature!

Justin Bieber is letting fans into his world again! The singer just announced that he's penning a second photo book, Justin Bieber: Just Getting Started. Slated to come out in September, the singer is bringing fans behind-the-scenes of his My World tour, his crazy life, and into the recording studio in this photo-based book.

SEE IT J-14 Video: J-14 Video: Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez kiss in Big Time Rush's Carlos Pena's video for "Call Me Maybe"

"I'm so excited to be working on another book with HarperCollins," Justin says. "Being able to share my story with my fans through these books is an absolute privilege. I can't wait to show them more about my life on tour and in the studio in this next book."

Justin's first book, First Step 2 Forever: My Story, came out in October 2010 and has sold more than one millions copies.

Justin Bieber has been logging major hours in the studio lately, but he's also working on yet another new project. The 17-year-old is set to release his second photographic book this fall.

The follow-up to 'First Step 2 Forever: My Story' will be called 'Justin Bieber: Just Getting Started,' and will mark his second release with publisher HarperCollins. The photography book will offer Beliebers more never-before-seen images of Justin on tour and in the studio recording his forthcoming album, 'Believe.'

"I'm so excited to be working on another book with HarperCollins," the pop star said in a press release. "Being able to share my story with my fans through these books is an absolute privilege. I can't wait to show them more about my life on tour and in the studio in this next book."

Fans can expect to get their hands on 'Justin Bieber: Just Getting Started' in September. Are you psyched about JB's new book?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Lady Gaga Inspired Collection At The WIFW

International pop diva Lady Gaga's eclectic style became an inspiration for designer Raakesh Agarvwal's collection at the second day of ongoing Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week Thursday.

"Lately, I have been listening to Lady Gaga a lot. Initially I never liked her, but when I started listening to her, I started falling in love with her. I love her style but I don't know how many people would be able to carry it," Agarvwal told IANS.

"I love her style statement and she is unbelievably creative. It was a challenge because she is always creative and I wanted that whole Lady Gaga creativeness to come into much more wearable garments. The garments were cut sharply for the body so that a normal woman can pick up and wear it and yet feel like Lady Gaga," he added.

The designer's collection included gold sequined jump suits, short dresses, jackets and gowns made from fabrics like velvets, jerseys, wool, satin and silk. However, the collection was dominated by leather.
"The whole collection is inspired by lot of architectures from different eras like the Taj Mahal in Agra to Blue mosque in Istanbul and Louvre Museum in Paris. We have taken different techniques, artworks and motifs and blended it with the sexy look with a bit of Lady Gaga style thrown into it," he said.

The 54th Grammys were true to form. Within the first half of the program it was hard to pick which element provided the most violent cringe – the sight of Lady Gaga, head wrapped in a fishnet stocking and holding a giant sceptre, bowing solemnly during a prayer for Whitney Houston? The performance by domestic abuser Chris Brown a few minutes after the prayer for Houston, herself a victim of domestic violence? The somnambulant number by Paul McCartney, dressed as a cruise ship maitre d’?

We’re going to go with the moment when Ryan Seacrest uttered this wholly incongruous statement: “Here to kick off our celebration of The Beach Boys, please welcome Maroon 5.”

The edgy, outrageous style of pop sensation Lady Gaga set the tune for designer Raakesh Agarwal's collection at the ongoing Wills India Fashion Week here.

"I love Lady Gaga and her style. She has a unique style and no one can emulate it. She knows how to make wacky look good. My collection is more wearable. There are women who want to dress up like Gaga but don't dare to. This collection is for them," Agarwal said.

His fall-winter collection mainly consisted of gold metal bustiers, pants and jackets made of faux leather, fur shrugs and jumpsuits.

"I have also been inspired by the architecture of India like the Taj Mahal as well as the other south and central Asian countries like the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey. I have used brass to make the bustiers. The brass had to be heated and then moulded. But in the end all the hard work paid off. I used faux leather, a lot of velvet, wool and satin," he said.

The show started with a performance by singer Anushka Manchanda.Singer Anushka Manchanda opened Agarvwal's show with a small gig, pepping up the mood in the show area.

"Anushka is real star and one of the best pop stars in the country till now. Moreover, because the collection was about Lady Gaga meeting architectural collection, I thought it would be better if I take a popstar rather than having any Bollywood celebrity or a supermodel," Agarvwal added.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Madonna Dazzled The Super Bowl!

Madonna dazzled the Super Bowl fans with her Cleopatra-influenced outfit and gladiator-like support artists at the Super bowl halftime show at the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

The super Sunday has seen the “Material Girl,” in one of her best performances, joined by Nicki Minaj during the performance.Madonna made her grand entry onto the stage with the hit song “Vogue,” wearing Egyptian head gear, gold ensemble cheerleader skirt and spiked black boots.

She moved on to perform "Give Me All Your Luvin,” her latest single with Nicki Minaj and she closed her 12-minute performance with "Like a Prayer".Earlier, Madonna revealed how much she was excited about the Super Bowl halftime performance and how hard she was preparing for it.

"Great attention to detail has been paid to my wardrobe. There will be no wardrobe malfunction - I promise," she the reports ahead of the Super Bowl 2012.

"In over 25 years of performing that I've done, I have never worked so hard or been so scrupulous or detail-oriented or freaked out as much as I have,” she added.

Within minutes of the Superbowl XLVI half-time show ending the internet was already in a fevered debate about the Material Girl’s apparent lip-synching.

It’s safe to say that Madonna delivered precisely what her fans and critics have come to expect from her stage show (minus the risque’ behaviour). Her set was a high energy medley of her hits from the last three decades featuring the talents of modern performers Cee Lo Green and Nicki Minaj, and an intricately well choreographed dance routine.

Twitter celebs came out in force to show support for Madge with Kelly Osbourne Tweeting that the performance made her heart “pump with so much joy”, and Ashton Kutcher adding “#fact Madonna is crushing it!”.

It seems hard to disagree that the performance was musically almost perfect. Some might say – a little TOO perfect.

Given the elaborate and strenuous dance routines Madonna was required to perform – it seems strange that the 53 year old was never out of breath or less than note perfect. The debate continues.With more and more pop artists miming their shows and charging more and more for the opportunity to do so, it’s easy to see why there is such a backlash.

It's one of the most talked about performances of the year, and now it's being reported that Madonna is to take center stage at Super Bowl XLVI in Indianapolis, Indiana on Sunday, February 5, 2012.
According to reports, the "Material Girl" has signed on to perform at this year's pro pigskin finale, which will be held at Lucas Oil Stadium.

While reps of both the pop icon and the National Football League have kept mum about the alleged agreement up to this point, a source told Gossip Cop the deal "looks promising."

This isn't the first time Madge has been linked to the musical spot of the world's single largest sporting event, as the singer has been rumored to take the stage twice before.

After a lengthy hiatus from the music world, Madonna has officially made her comeback in a big way - as the Queen of Pop took center stage at Lucas Oil Field in Indianapolis for an energetically captivating Super Bowl XLVI halftime show performance on Sunday night (February 5).

The Material Girl treated the millions watching around the globe to a string of four songs, as she was dressed as Cleopatra upon entrance while performing "Vogue" followed by "Music".

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rihanna's New Album 'Talk That Talk'

Rihanna is the perfect pop star.
Her new album Talk That Talk sports everything from hard-hitting, dancefloor euphoria to slow-burning, guitar-driven power balladry. She’s everything to everyone; an essential quality for a pop star.
Of course, she also embodies the cynical, misleading nature of mainstream pop, major label creations: keep the music formulaic and familiar, while radically altering the artist’s image and appearance with each album cycle. She’s Madonna without the substance or autonomy. Janet Jackson without any sonic or thematic risks.

And yet she’s unstoppable.
This artistic vapidity makes her the kind of pop star that people who hate pop music absolutely hate.
Each of her albums is presented as some “new phase” in her career, the next step in her “musical evolution.” In actuality, Talk That Talk follows roughly the same trajectory as her previous two albums, Loud (2010) and Rated R (2009). The actual sounds have been updated slightly from her previous work (homegirl has to keep up with the times, right?). But every Rihanna album follows a fail-proof pattern; begin light-hearted, danceable and fun, and then gradually sober up into “meditative” balladry.
This “sobering up” happens midway through Talk That Talk, with standout track “We All Want Love.” It is comically jarring in the context of the album. Riri’s looking for her one and only on this anthemic-yet-tender track. Yet one song prior, she wants to “fuck you right now” and “make you my bitch” on the absurdly raunchy “Birthday Cake.”
In other words, there’s no story being told here. Talk That Talk isn’t meant to be an immersive listen. It’s a collection of singles, period.
Sounds bad, right? Well, fortunately (or…unfortunately) I’m a sucker for vapid, substance-less pop, so I absolutely loveTalk That Talk. Like Britney’s Femme Fatale, Talk That Talk is a producer’s album. Rihanna’s charisma is what keeps you listening more or less, but she has shamelessly left the “artistry” up to a great team of writers and producers. And they do a phenomenal job with Talk That Talk, giving each track its own unique vibe and appeal.
“We Found Love” is the best dance-pop song of the year, the Jay-Z-assisted title track manages to out-swag their previous collabo “Run This Town,” and the supremely naughty “Watch N’ Learn” feels both innocent and sleazy somehow (and might be about 69ing…).
All of these songs are fun, and catchy, and contemporary. And while Riri’s no Mariah, her vocals here are consistently magnetic and self-assured. All in all,Talk That Talk is probably the best pop album of the year.
So If you’re hungry for something of great social and political import, go curl up with some Marx.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Does Amber Rose Really 'Forgive' Kanye West?

Kanye West admits his flaws — well, in song at least: On his 2011 single "Runaway," the Louis Vuitton Don was apologetic about how he treated ex flame Amber Rose, owning up to his wrongs.
He took things a step further during his Watch the ThroneTour with Jay-Z, giving the audience love advice while performing the song. During the November 2 stop, 'Ye sent a special shout to ex-girlfriend Amber Rose in the model's hometown. "To the city of Philly, I want to thank y'all for making the incredible person that this song was made for," he said while performing "Runaway" in Philadelphia.
"At first, I was like, 'Wow, maybe he is sorry for just not being a good guy and not treating me the way I want to be treated and talking down to me,' amongst other things," Rose said on last week's "RapFix Live." "I instantly was like, 'I forgive him.' "
To her, it all seemed very sincere. "When I first saw it, I was like, 'Yo, I forgive him.' I let that go. I went through the crying and the heartbreak and all that stuff, and I moved on, and I'm so happy now that I actually have a gentleman, a great guy that I love so much," Rose said of current boyfriendWiz Khalifa. "Then after he called me an incredible person in my hometown, he said, 'Never find love in a strip club.' And that's when I was like, 'You know what? Take your apology and shove it up your ass, because I don't want to hear it.' "
The "Never find love in a strip club" line wasn't from the Philly concert, though it is a Yeezy lyric from the Throne's "New Day," in which West passes life lessons to his unborn son. "New Day" was actually released in August, months before the concert, and in the song, Kanye makes no mention of Amber's name, but it still rubbed the beauty the wrong way. According to Amber, who feels the lyric was a shot at her, the ex-couple didn't meet in a gentlemen's club.
"He didn't meet me in a strip club; he knows he didn't meet me in a strip club," she said. "He was just being a mean, negative person, and that's one of the main reasons why I'm not with him. He's that; I don't want that negativity in my life. Don't apologize and then say something like that. It's just rude, and it's mean, and it's not true."
Later in her "RapFix Live" interview, Rose broke down crying because of the way some of 'Ye's overzealous fans have treated her in public. "I have people throwing things at me in the street because they're fans of Kanye," Amber said before she started to cry on set. "I'm just crying because I don't deserve to be bullied like that. I'm a nice girl. I don't bother anybody. I keep my mouth shut because I don't want any trouble."

Monday, January 16, 2012

Who Will Ricky Gervais Chide At Golden Globes?

One of the many joys in watching live awards shows is the anything-can-happen factor. We can predict winners and losers and attendees and such, but we really never know for sure who will say what and when, or whether there will be any technical difficulties, wardrobe malfunctions or other unexpected excitement.
With regard to the Golden Globes — which typically seem to allow room for more surprises than say the Oscars or the Grammys — the most unpredictable and interesting factor going into the show this year is host Ricky Gervais. Who will he poke fun at this year? Our hope: everyone. We love our celebrities and all the movies and television shows they make, but so much of the Hollywood machine is so exaggerated and ridiculous, it's great to watch someone who is as intelligent as he is funny take the industry to task for its most-outlandish offenses.

Gervais has said that just like last year, he will be pulling no punches tonight.
"[Am I] nervous? No. What's the worst that can happen?" he told reporters at a Television Critics Association press event for his HBO show "Life's Too Short." "I end my career once a week if you read the press. I do things that could end my career now. That's my extreme sport. If you get fun with it, which I do and I demand, and you get your own way and are happy with what you've done, then nothing can happen to you. You're bulletproof. Everything I say, I can justify it, I can stand by it, as I do every joke I did last year, then I don't care. I don't care if you're offended."
This is exactly what we want to hear from Gervais. He doesn't single out anyone maliciously; he does it all in the name of entertainment.
"I'm going to do a monologue about what happened during the year, and then introduce six or seven people as I did last year. I've got nothing against any of those people in the room," he said. "I've worked with many of them. I like many of them. I admire them. They're just gags. I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings or give them a bad night or undermine the moral fabric of America. I'm a comedian."
Given what we know about Gervais and those we expect to be present at the Globes, here are a few things we think he might address:
Movies: A controversial statement of some kind about "The Help," something cheeky about "The Artist" having no color or sound, poking fun at the heavy hitters in the Best Actor category, the old guard (George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio) vs. the young upstarts and their multiple films nominated (Ryan Gosling and Michael Fassbender). We hope he loved "Bridesmaids" as much as we did and gives it extra attention.
TV: The new "Two and a Half Men," Charlie Sheen's new career, Steve Carell leaving "The Office," the nudity and sex featured in HBO shows, the oddities of "American Horror Story," lack of enthusiasm for "Glee." We have no idea what shows Gervais might love; maybe "30 Rock" and "Breaking Bad"? Here's hoping we find out via his quips.
Other pop-culture topics: Kim Kardashian's marriage is long over, but Gervais likely has a fresh take; the royal wedding; British things vs. American things; the presidential election; Beyoncé and Jay-Z's new baby, Blue Ivy.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christina Aguilera Covers Up On Marie Claire Cover

Christina Aguilera was once known for stripping down and showing off her assets. But as she grew up, she went for a more old Hollywood glam look, all the while baring her ample cleavage and curves. On her February 2012 Marie Claire cover, Xtina covers up and she still stuns! That’s called natural beauty.
Wearing a white jacket with navy piping, which picks up the soft ocean shade of her baby blues, it’s a subdued, sweet version of the singer. Her platinum blond hair is teased in waves and blown back off her face, while her lips look extra kissable in a soft pink hue. She’s not vamping it up a la Marilyn Monroe with crimson lips and the verdict is in: We likey! Aguilera remains glammed out, just in softer tones.
The spread photos find Aguilera dressed in nautical hues and that shot of her in the navy bustier and blazer? In one word: heartstopping!
The cover tag hints about what’s going on inside the magazine and in Xtina’s mind. It reads: “I love my body. .. My boyfriend loooves my body.”
That’s all that matters, girl.
It’s 2012 and that means new year, new Xtina, new season of ‘The Voice‘ and new album on the horizon. She addresses her not-so-hot 2011 – save for ‘The Voice’ — which was marred by her divorce, a public drunkenness arrest, a flop album (‘Bionic’) and a flop film (‘Burlesque’), all of which were topped off by ardent criticism about her weight.
“That was a rough year,” Aguilera said about trying to make manufactured pop on ‘Bionic,’ that didn’t rely on her best trait, which is her gorgeous voice. “Between my divorce and the other things I went through, a lot happened. It’s hard for anyone to go through that in public. But when you’re a celebrity and under a microscope, it’s 58 million times harder. I grew an even thicker skin after that hard year.”

It’s served her well and she’s not letting anything, especially words, bring her down, to borrow a line from her most famous song ‘Beautiful.’ She continued, “I’ve been through my highs, I’ve been through my lows; I’ve been through the gamut of all things in this business. Being too thin. Being bigger. I’ve been criticized for being on both sides of the scale. It’s noise I block out automatically. I love my body. My boyfriend loooves my body. My son is healthy and happy, so that’s all that matters to me.”
Xtina has those priorities in line.
But that doesn’t mean she isn’t aware of how her body shape fluctuates. She said, “I have certain physical features that I favor over others. We all have our areas.” The singer insists she doesn’t weight herself, instead seeing how the clothes fit and feel, saying, “I happen to be very confident in my own skin. It takes time to get to that place, but it’s all about embracing yourself and your body.”

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A 90-years-old Grandma Knows How To "Party Rock" With LMFAO

It looks like LMFAO appeal to all ages. After a video of an adorable three-year-old dancing to ‘Sexy and I Know It‘ surfaced this week, the Internet is abuzz with this clip of an adorable grandma shaking what her mama gave her to ‘Party Rock Anthem.’

The video was uploaded by a gentleman named Adam and features his 90-year-old grandma. From the video description, his grandmother is legally blind due to severe macular degeneration, in addition to being hard of hearing. However, the woman knows a beat when she feels it. The uploader writes, “One of the few things that makes her happy is dancing!” So. Cute.

Grandma opens the clip with her preface: “I’m going to dance to ‘Party Rock Anthem,’” she says. “Here we go!” Clad in a red velour track suit and matching lipstick, Adam’s granny looks festive as she grooves to the track next to a Christmas tree. While her moves are impressive, they’re doubly so because they’re also improvised.

“She’s never heard this song before and this was not practiced,” the uploader wrote. We’re inclined to believe him. Proof? When the song goes silent just before the first breakdown, Grandma seems to think the song was over until she hears the lyric, “Everyday I’m shufflin‘” — and she goes back to doing just that.

Watch Grandma Dance to LMFAO’s ‘Party Rock Anthem

Monday, January 2, 2012

Katy Perry And Russell Brand's Divorce

While fans of Katy Perry and Russell Brand might be surprised by the news of their divorce, those who work in the celebrity world are hardly shocked by the news. Celebrity-news experts say that from the beginning, the pair struck them as an odd couple, despite their equally charming and eccentric personalities.

"From the get-go, I thought they were a sort of odd, mismatched pair," David Caplan, a noted celebrity-news editor who has worked at publications such as People and Star, explained to MTV News. "She's so glamorous, pop and sexy, and he is diametrically not like that. He's a nice and funny guy, and from my encounters with her, I found her to be funny, have a sarcastic edge and a blast, but they weren't a match. Plus, she's more of a partier than he now, so their lifestyles were at odds."
See a timeline of Katy Perry and Russell Brand's relationship.

Despite what anyone may have thought or what rumors about the pair were swirling in the lead-up to the announcement, the twosome always seemed intent on denying the reports. "Katy and Russell's split is not a surprise," Caplan said. "It's one of those celeb splits where the writing was on the wall for months, so much so that they denied any marital trouble on 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show' several weeks ago, which is uncommon for celebs to acknowledge tabloids reports.

"But then came news this week that they had a big blowup and spent Christmas apart," he added. "Very far apart — she in Hawaii, and he in London. You don't get much farther apart! Plus, in between 'Ellen' and Christmas, there were multiple reports of them on the rocks. And unlike so many other rumblings about celeb couples on the skids, this was totally true, and they clearly decided not to keep it a secret and just put on a happy front."

However, it seems that as much as they wanted to squelch talk of a breakup, in the end, it all came crashing down. "Katy and Russell's marriage has been under pressure for some time," said Rob Shuter, columnist for HuffPost Celebrity. "I'm surprised Russell did so many interviews denying the troubles. The truth always comes out. When a married couple choose not to spend the holidays together, you know something is up, if they are celebs or just regular folks."

Perry and Brand announced their split Friday, after one year of marriage. While Brand released a statement about the separation, as of press time, Perry had yet to speak about it.